lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


I'll show you the different types of respiratory diseases. About 3 million people die from these diseases.
The most common respiratory diseases are:
  • Bronchitis: It's an irritation and inflammation of the bronchi. It produces breathing difficulties and accumulations of mucus. A symptom is coughing and one of the most common causes is the smoke's fumes.
  • Asthma: It's a common respiratory disease in children.The bronchi are inflamed and the work of the rest of the respiratory system is more difficult.The symptoms can be insomnia, fatigue, difficulty breathing and decreased of daily activities.

  • Pneumonia: It's the main disease that kills many children around the world. It can be caused by a virus, bacteria or fungi, which causes painful and limited breathing. The symptoms of pneumonia are fever, chills, loss of appetite, fast breathing and cough.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016


Hi bloggers!

Today I'm going to show you the effects of the tabacco.

The fumes that come from the tabacco contains:

  • Nicotine: Two or three drops of this substance can kill an adult. A cigarette contains 15 grams of nicotine. The nicotine creates the addiction.
  • Tar: It produces the cancer.
  • CO: It produces the heart diseases.

The principal causes of the consumption of tabacco are:

  • Heart diseases
  • Cancer
  • Respiratory diseases (for more information click here)
The risk of cancer depends of the duration of use, the age when you start to smoke and the number of the cigarette that you consumes in a day. The kind of cancer in men and women:

  • Men: Lungs, stomach, liver, esophagus and prostate. 
  • Women: Mama, lungs, stomach, colon and rectum.
The fumes of the tabacco affects to the lungs.

  • Increases the risks of colds.
  • Irritates the lungs and it becomes large.
  • The lungs become old faster.
  • Lung cancer.

Tabacco is too dangerous. We shouldn't smoke if we don't want problems with our health.


Hi bloggers!!

We did an experiment about our pulse and breath. 

The project consists in: take the pulse and the breath, repose, we ran 2 minuts, we take the pulse and the breath, repose, we walk 2 minuts and finally we take the pulse and the breath again. 

After the project we have come to a conclusion. 

These are questions, about the project and the answers.

  1. Does your heartbeat remain the same after walking or running? Why?

No, because the body needs more energy.

  2. Does your breathing remain the same after walking or breathing?


    3. Why is it good for our bodies to have a faster heartbeat?

Because the heart distribuate more blood to the body.

    4. When can you see people breathing fast?

After doing sport.

When we do sport the breath and the pulse accelerates. 


The group!!

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016


Hi bloggers!

The breathing process is the inhale and the exhalate.

Inhale: the air enters through nasal cavities or mouth. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and air rushes in.

Exhale: the air leave through nasal cavities or mouth. When you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and the air is forced out.

Bye bloggers!


Hi bloggers!!

We did a project in class.

The project consists in see the process of the respiratory system in

the lungs.

The materials that we have were this:

-Two balloons

- A bottle

- Scissors


      1. Cut the bottle in half

      2.  Cut a balloon in half

      3.  Put the balloon in the half of the bottle

      4.  Introduce the other balloon in the other part of the bottle.

 Conclusion: When we pull the rubber, the balloon blow up.

                      When we push the rubber, the balloon deflate.


The group


Hi bloggers!

The respiratory process involves the air entering and leaving the body.

First, the air enters the nasal cavities or mouth. After, the air, passes the larynx and trachea, after that the air passes through the bronchi and also the bronchioles and, at last, to the alveoli.


Hi bloggers!

We have written this blog post to present our group. 
We're 4 people: Maria Arbiol, Natalia Pérez, Melanie Salazar and Laia Heredia.

We have to do a classwork blog about The Respiratory System. 
During the project we are going to post about the Unit.

The group.